Welcome to Vegas Matt Stats! We'll be FIRING IT IN THERE all year. You can keep up to date with the latest INNAGE, WINNAGE and SIDE BETS here, at OFFICIALVEGASMATTSTATS.COM
This is the official tracker of the Vegas Matt Stats that the team post on their YouTube channel. The stats shown on this page are derived from the data on YouTube and the data recorded by the amazing team in the Vegas Matt Discord.. Please watch and subscribe to the Vegas Matt YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/vegasmatt .
Theoretical high water mark is the position the team would have been in had they quit at the high water mark each day.
WINNING STREAKS and LOSING STREAKS always go on way longer than you could possibly imagine.
It's all about the side bets. RUN IT BACK one more time!
There's a team of amazing people over on the Discord Channel. A lot of people are saying they are the best. They track even more stats than what you see on YouTube. Join the discord here.
Thanks to the amazing people on Discord who compile these stats and share them with the community. The stats below are pulled directly from the stats that the Discord team track. Special thank to Train and all of the stats team for all their hard work. The stats below may not be updated daily but are updated as and when the team release them.
There's only one stat that really matters. Has anybody ever got a FULL SCREEN OF BLUE PIGS?
We all love EJ's grunts. But how often is he right? How often does a bonus follow the grunts?
The Discord stats team has it all covered—tracking every mention of SANDO, every enthusiastic FIRE IT IN THERE, and every heartfelt LET'S ENJOY THIS. They're keeping tabs on all our favorite phrases!